What this is all about

This is a forum for free thinkers. A place of politics, religion, philosophy, and morality. IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED LEAVE NOW. We do not judge based on religion, age, gender, race, or IQ - All are welcome in this ministry. We will make fun of you if your behavior warrants it, however. We also provide advice, support, marriage services, funeral services, and more. Please see the services section for detailed information.

Mar 26, 2011


I am happy to announce that I will be marrying a sweet young couple this year (maybe next).  I am doing this pro bono, as a gift.  Well, almost-  I am requiring some lunch and gas money and that's it.  A minister gotta eat, ya know!

Feb 18, 2011


     Welcome to my ministry.  Here I am going to spew my beliefs and non-beliefs.  I encourage you to comment on anything.  I will talk about everything from racial issues to politics to religion (of course).  I don't care if you are a closet-gay racist republican who likes farm animals, just don't be a douche bag.

WARNING:  If talk about any of the aforementioned topics is upsetting, LEAVE NOW.  I created this arena for myself to talk and debate with like minded and civil minded people.  If you think you can't handle it, or perhaps you know me and think it could throw a wrench in our relationship, LEAVE NOW.  It's better to know the surface of me if that's all our relationship is.

     First off, let me say that atheism is NOT a belief.  It is, rather, the non-belief in a deity or deities. How did we get here?  Evolution is by far the most prolific and believable of the scientific theories, as well as accepted by SCIENTISTS all over the world.  Organized religion is a joke.  To say that you don't like organized religion is good, but then to go on and say that you still believe in a god, well...that is a contradiction in my opinion.  What is my favorite religion?  Well, Buddhism, although a way of life, not a religion.  I don't believe in reincarnation, although I do KNOW that when your body decomposes in the ground (sans casket), it becomes part of the earth on so many levels.  Where did all of this come from?  BIG BANG.  What was before the big bang?  You have to understand the big bang theory first, then you won't ask that silly question.  What happens when you die?  You cease to exist, then rot.  This is why I think it's important to enjoy your life and not waste time on B.S.  Prayer?  LMAO.  Prayer is a joke.  A human construct of ethereal support for the weak.  Sin?  Well..that's tricky.  In the biblical sense, I don't believe in it.  In the moral sense.... that's tricky too.  Right and wrong.  Those have been my topic of debate in my head for awhile.  I'll get into that later.  I think we all agree what it is to be a good human.  Don't murder (generally), don't steal (generally), don't lie (generally), don't rape (no exceptions), don't fuck animals (no exceptions), don't be a pedophile (pedophile as defined by me, no exceptions), don't cheat yourself (generally), don't be too arrogant, vain, unyielding, quiet, apathetic, etc... etc..  
     This is, in an extremely general summary, how I feel about being human.  I get angry, I get upset, I get happy, I deal with these obstructive emotions, and try to reason.  I try to enjoy being me.  I have loved, I have hated, I have savored revenge, and cringed with guilt.  I have stolen, lied, cheated.  I have donated, selflessly helped, and redeemed.
                                                                  I am a normal human.